Marcha de Abertura do Fórum Social Temático – Porto Alegre 15 anos Dia 19 de janeiro marcou abertura do Fórum Social Temático. O trajeto foi o mesmo percorrido muitas vezes nos últimos 15 anos, desde o primeiro Fórum Social Mundial. Ativistas, integrantes
AIH e CONAM nas atividades da Reforma Urbana no FST em Porto Alegre
The currency borrowers blocked Neglinnaya street in Moscow and scuffled with the police
The currency borrowers blocked Neglinnaya street in Moscow and scuffled with the police
The currency borrowers blocked Neglinnaya street in Moscow and scuffled with the police
Ildar Dadin, a Russian activist, to be released from prison
(EN) testata
Urban Social Forum Hosts Asia Regional Meeting on the Right to the City
Indonesian civil society discusses its urban future
Representatives of Indonesia communities discussed ways to improve urban conditions at the third Urban Social Forum (Photo: Bima Pratama Putra)
3rd Urban Social Forum Highlights Success and Contributions of Young Leaders