Tribunal Internacional de los Desalojos » Sesiones » 4ª Sesión 2014 » Call TIE 2014

Communicate your case of eviction!


Communicate your case of eviction!   

International Tribunal on Evictions 2014

The International Tribunal on Evictions launches an international Call to identify cases of evictions for its fourth Session that will take place October 9th to 10th, 2014 in Milan, Italy, within the World Zero Evictions Days –  in Defence of Land.

This Session has two focal points: the violations of the Right to Housing provoked by the European Union's austerity policies, and those that determines the failure of the Millennium Development Goal No.7 ( to improve the living conditions of at least 100 million inhabitants ).

The Session's Recommendations will be brought to the EU Ministers of Social Cohesion meeting in Milan those days, to the United Nations, and to those responsible for violations to the Right to Housing. They will be published on the TIE web.

Following the success in 2011, 2012 and 2013, this  fourth   Session consolidates the proposal to maintain the Tribunal, as a useful point of reference for everybody. 

A planet for its inhabitants

Today, forced evictions threaten between 50 and 70 million people worldwide.

The Tribunal is a joint tool for organizations of inhabitants and all stakeholders that defend the right to housing and to land. It aims to reinforce the recognition, propositions and fights against violations of those rights at local, national and international levels. It also aims to put the spotlight on threats and violence of all kind committed against the defenders of those rights.

In this perspective, a Jury, made of representatives of civil society, international organizations and academics, involved in the defense and respect of housing rights, will evaluate the claims in light of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and all international legal instruments related to the enforcement of the right to housing and land security.

Working method

This Call is disseminated worldwide in order to identify cases of evictions through a webform. You are all kindly invited to fill the webform before October 3 2014.

The secretariat of the Tribunal will coordinate the preliminary phase of investigation by selecting the most significant cases in terms of severity, number of people affected, as well as representation of themes and continents.

At the 9 October 2014 Session, the Tribunal will publicly examine the presented cases and will issue a judgment and make recommendations to the various officials. The Tribunal will issue formal recommendations to the European Ministers responsible for Social Cohesion meeting, at that time, in Milan; to the United Nations , to the economic and institutional actors responsible for the evictions, and to civic organizations helping them enforce their demands by the authorities.

To submit a case of evictions, go to the International Tribunal on Evictions  website before October 3 2014

For further information, please contact:

Fill out the eviction case webform before October 3 2014!  


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